Distinctive Products for Distinctive Models

How to Order

Models built with Thachweave Products installed:

1/35 DUKWs and GPAs

1/35 Landing Craft and Boats

1/35 Land Wasser Schleppers

1/35 Dioramas and Miscellaneous

1/72 & 1/76 Models

1/48 & 1/50 Models

1/35 DUKWs and GPAs:

Italeri 1/35 DUKW by Des Burgess with TW009 installed.

Italeri 1/35 DUKW by Chris Salak with TW001 installed.

Italeri 1/35 DUKW by Jim Stratton with TW001 installed.

Tamiya 1/35 GPA Amphibious Jeep by Sandy McRorie with TW003 installed.

Italeri 1/35 DUKW by Chuck Aleshire with TW001 installed.

Italeri 1/35 DUKW by Scott Taylor with TW001 installed (the original prototype set!  The bumpers have evolved from these).

1/35 Landing Craft and Boats:

Revell 1/35 LCM(3) on Tamiya's M26 Dragon Wagon by Frank Aufermann, with TW002 installed.

Italeri 1/35 PT-579 built by John Bishop with TW002 installed.

Scratchbuilt 1/35 WSS 10 West German experimental hydrofoil built by Sam Chaloukpa with custom bumper installed.

Italeri 1/35 LCVP by Rick Nelson with TW002 installed.

1/35 Land Wasser Schleppers:


Bronco Land Wasser Schlepper by George Stray with TW007 installed.

Bronco Land Wasser Schlepper by Barry Beaudry with TW007 installed.

Bronco Land Wasser Schlepper by Mark Byerley with TW007 installed.

Bronco Land Wasser Schlepper by Michael McLaughlin with TW007 installed.  This model was featured in an article in Military Modelling, Vol. 39, No. 12 (2009), pp. 35-43.

Bronco Land Wasser Schlepper by Chuck Aleshire with TW007 installed.

Miniart Studios 1/35 Landwasserschlepper by Rhodes A. Williams with bumpers from TW001 installed.  More coverage of this model can be found in a number of magazines, including Model Military International #17 and Xtreme Modelling #27.  This superb model is part of Rhodes' impressive diorama, "Her Hauptmann's Champagne," featured in Elements in Combat #1 - H2Whoa!  Water Under Modelling.

1/35 Dioramas and Miscellaneous:

Tim Greenley's 1/35 diorama of the Regina Rifles loading onto an LCA from the troopship Llangibby Castle using TW002 on the LCA and TW006 for the scramble nets.

1/35 Sherman BARV by Hiroyuki Takeuchi with various bumpers fitted. This model was featured in issue 185 of Armour Modelling magazine.

IMA 1/35 Indian Pattern Wheeled Carrier by William Wright with TWN03 installed.

Saviors of Saipan, a 1/35 scale diorama by David Vickers featuring 3 x TW006 to make the clamber net and TW001 fitted to each of the two DUKWs featured.  This magnificent work won a gold medal and Best of Show, People's Choice at the 2007 AMPS International Convention.

1/72 and 1/76 Models:

The Airfix 1/72 RAF Rescue Launch built by Russell Haines with TW203 and TW208 installed.

A pair of Italeri 1/72 DUKWs built by Martin Birtwhistle with TW201 installed.

Academy 1/72 Ford GPA by Enrico Sbarbaro with TW206 installed.

Trumpeter 1/72 LCM(3) built by Al Magnus with TW202 installed.

Airfix 1/72 LCVP built by Al Magnus with TW202 installed. More images of this model can be seen in the gallery on Steel Navy.

Airfix 1/76 DUKW by Tom Cole with TW201 installed. This model is featured in Tom's book Build and Convert Airfix Military Models, published by SAM Publications.

1/48 and 1/50 Models:

Hobby Boss 1/48 LCM (3) by Dave Turner with TW102 installed.

Solido 1/50 DUKW by Ramesh Bishop with TW101 installed (aft bumpers not fitted).

Questions?  Comments?  Suggestions for new products?  Please contact us.

Last Updated December 27, 2020